am an abductee who has come through what some call "the dark side"
of the phenomenon to an understanding that if abductions are anything,
they are, as Dr. John Mack states, transformative.
I began my investigation in 1988 and underwent psychological testing
and seven regressive hypnosis sessions with a clinical psychologist. Several
years of diligent investigation and documentation culminated with the publication
of my journals in The Alien Jigsaw in 1994.
Nineteen ninety-five has been a year of transition for me. One night
in January, I distinctly remember turning on my side just before going
to sleep and for some inexplicable reason I said, "Okay, I'm ready
to begin."
Shortly after that I had an unusual visitation and I wrote the following
in my journal: "I believe I'm beginning to remember why I came here...I
was with a 'Guide' who was a time-travel Being. Not merely another alien,
but a super-conscious Being: a 'Wise One.' There was something important
he was supposed to teach me.
I was in a structure that had a very high ceiling. I looked up and I
used my thoughts to pull the space that was above me, down toward me. This
had the effect of lifting my body upward through what seemed to be part
of the structure. Although it was mentally exhausting, I successfully levitated
or moved myself into a higher space. This was something I had to learn
to do. It was time for me.
I then remembered my future. It was at the moment I made the decision
to come here. I was to leave my time, what we would consider to be the
future, and travel back in time to where I am now. It's because of my 'life
mission' that I am here. It's like I said in my Researcher's Supplement,
'I know all of us have not chosen the path of an educator like I have,
but we all have an important mission in this. I know now, that I was supposed
to write my book...We are to wake a sleeping world to the aliens' presence.'
All of this came rushing back to me in an instant and even though I
felt very determined, I also felt a sickness in the pit of my stomach.
I thought about my parents and my husband, "Oh, how can I leave them
The feeling was gone as suddenly as I felt it, and once again I knew
that I made the decision to come back to Earth to do the work I'm doing.
Many of my life experiences have been the consequence of that decision."
I am fortunate to have friends who are also abductees. Their information
has come to me at a time that I can only describe as being synchronous.
In other words, I believe I am where I am supposed to be in order to share
their information with others. The following excerpts provide some highly
relevant information that fits both the abduction side and the metaphysical
side of this wide reaching phenomenon.
The first excerpt comes from Doreen. I have known her for two years.
She is happily married, works full-time, and is the mother of two children.
This is a fully conscious memory. Doreen states:
"I found myself standing and looking straight ahead at a horizon.
In the distance I saw a squared-off object that looked like a table, and
I started to move toward it, but I was immediately overcome with the feeling
that I was to stay where I was. I looked to my left and saw a shapeless
form. The first impression of this form was that it was a photographic
negative, and then it seemed like it was mercury. I looked at it and as
soon as I tried to make a face out of it, a face would start to take shape.
Whatever form I would think of, it would start to take on that shape.
It was time for me to go, so I turned around and sensed my body elevate.
I was on my stomach and felt myself start to move head first. I became
frightened and I heard a voice say, 'This is what you want to know,' in
such a way that it made me feel accountable or responsible for this experience.
I felt like I was falling and spinning, but somehow I knew I was going
back home.
The voice told me that I was traveling through space and time. I became
concerned that I was going to end up in a different time than the one I
left, and the voice said, 'Your reality is a physical one. You view space,
time, and light purely in a physical sense. There is another side to these
elements with unique properties that you are unaware of.' The voice also
told me that there is a set of energy and spiritual laws that puts 'reality'
into motion for us, and our laws of physics are an extension of that. Our
physical bodies are a creative expression of this conscious energy. 'Time,
space, and light are real living things,' the voice said.
I started to feel my whole being accelerate. I could hear a hum, and
I began moving faster and faster. I knew I was going back to my body, but
it seemed to take longer than I felt comfortable with. Then I heard the
voice say, 'Time, space, quantonium,' over and over again.
I moved faster and faster, until suddenly-I was back in my body, totally
conscious and aware...I went to check on my children and my daughter (who
was 3 1/2) was laying in her bed on her side, wide awake. She said, "Do
you see it? Do you see it? The Blue light-everywhere I look the blue light
is there. It's coming out of my eyes like a light-just like magic."
Why Hybrids?
Recently, Doreen was taken on board a craft and shown sleeping quarters
filled with hybrid children. They all had fair skin, wispy light colored
hair, and intense sky-blue eyes. Doreen was told that it would take these
children 40 years to reach their destination and they would be placed in
suspended animation very soon. They would be taking the hybrid children
out of suspended animation from time to time and when they arrived at their
destination the children would be about twenty years old. Doreen was shown
her little girl who appeared to be about five years old, and was told to
make a strong emotional connection with her. She was told to telepathically
communicate with her child because she would be seeing her again.
Another fascinating encounter comes from a woman named Kendra. I have
known Kendra for four years, and like Doreen and myself, Kendra has conscious
recall of most of her experiences.
"I sat up in my bed and noticed a small three-foot tall child.
She looked like a hybrid. She had white wire-like hair that was soft looking
and was either slightly bald in the front, or she had a high forehead.
Her chin was narrow and her mouth turned downward, and her eyes looked
at me so innocently, just like the eyes of a child. Her body was frail
and thin. She had fair skin and was wearing a white cotton-like dress with
white slipper-like shoes.
She stood in the doorway of my room while I sat up in my bed. I felt
that she was young in appearance, but her intelligence surpassed my own
adult intelligence. She really looked like a three year old, but she definitely
had the intelligence of an adult. I felt extreme respect for her, but I
also felt a nurturing feeling toward her, as I normally do for children.
She spoke to me with clarity and with an intelligent vocabulary, unlike
a child. She had a high-pitched monotone voice and spoke quickly. She said,
'Our fifth dimensional world is going to merge and co-exist with your fourth
dimensional world.'
The hybrid not only communicated with me with words, but she gave me
visions along with her words so that I would understand what is going to
Images of ghosts and spirits then came to my mind. They were dwelling
visibly on the Earth, but these were very kind and good spirits. I was
shown that negative entities (physical and non-physical) would not be able
to live on the Earth once the two dimensions merged. This meant that people
would change to a more loving and non-violent race.
I asked about natural disasters and if they would still exist and the
hybrid said there would still be natural disasters. An image of a father
and his son came to my mind. They were walking and an earthquake occurred.
Neither the father nor the son were afraid. They accepted the earthquake,
as if they knew they would always be safe. They were still happy even though
the earthquake occurred.
The hybrid also told me, 'The work is almost done.' The new race, that
is, the hybrid race, came into my mind. The hybrid Being then said, 'The
hybrid children are all part of the merging process.' "
Kendra sat up in her bed during this entire conversation, completely
conscious of what was transpiring. The hybrid Being remained standing in
the doorway and did not 'paralyze' Kendra, as so many other abductees report.
These two excerpts are important for a number of reasons. First, they
come from two stable and highly credible individuals who are having profound
experiences with non-human Beings. Second, both individuals perceive themselves
as abductees (experiencers of abduction), while at the same time, relaying
information that fits both the abduction phenomenon and the metaphysical
view of the phenomenon. The third point which was not illustrated by these
experiences, but is important nevertheless, is that Doreen and Kendra have
both seen me during a few of their experiences, and I have seen them during
some of my experiences.
fourth point is the presentation of, or interacting with hybrid Beings.
This is one of the core events that many abductees report during their
abductions. 1 The field of abduction research is divided as to the purpose
behind the creation and presentation of these Beings. Some researchers
even question if they are indeed 'real' or merely created images to further
the aliens' agenda.
If two worlds are going to merge with one another as the Being told
Kendra, and we take this information in a literal sense, then it would
follow that the environment of Earth will change drastically. Human bodies
and perhaps certain alien bodies may not be able to exist in this new world.
However, there may be characteristics of each species that can exist. Perhaps
a higher intelligence has found a way to piece together the genetic elements
in order for someone to survive a physical merging.
We could also take this merging to mean 'a coming together of many peoples
or different species, and their respective cultures.' Unfortunately, all
we need to do is look at our history and we can see that the result will
most likely be as earth shattering an event as a physical merging would
New Physics
Michio Kaku is a professor of theoretical physics in New York. In his
latest book titled Hyperspace, he states: "There is a growing acknowledgment
among physicists worldwide, including several Nobel laureates, that the
universe may actually exist in higher-dimensional space. If this theory
[of hyperspace] is proved correct, it will create a profound conceptual
and philosophical revolution in our understanding of the universe."
Theoretical physicists are postulating that instead of the four dimensions
of length, breadth, width, and time, that ten dimensions are required to
make enough room for our four fundamental forces of nature. Those being:
(1) The Electromagnetic force, (2) The Strong Nuclear Force, (3) The Weak
Nuclear Force, and (4) The Gravitational Force. 3
In chapter two, Dr. Kaku states: "Imagine being able to walk through
walls...[or having] the ability to repair the internal organs of patients
without ever cutting the skin...What Being could possess such God-like
power? The answer: a Being from a higher-dimensional world." 4
The alien-human hybridization program postulated by Budd Hopkins and
David Jacobs 5 is real, but it may only be the tip of the ice-berg. As
someone who has experienced this phenomenon first-hand, I believe we are
witnessing an ongoing process involving the evolution of Homo Sapiens.
A possible outcome may be the development of a new type of Being who has
human characteristics and can exist in a higher dimension.
The great irony in the study of abductions is that eyewitness testimony
and circumstantial evidence is sometimes enough to prove a case in a court
of western law, but it is not enough to prove our case in the 'court' of
western culture. Our belief system is based on the rigidity of western
science and the dogma of fanatical religious teachings, both of which are
used to control the masses. They tell us what is, and what is not appropriate
to believe. This is a very old story, and as I said in the Epilogue of
The Alien Jigsaw, humans will not change unless that change is forced
upon them.
I believe that change is here, and it is time for us to make a choice.
Do we live in fear of ridicule because science teaches that we are mentally
ill if we believe in aliens? Do we live with fear and guilt because religion
teaches us that if we would exercise our free will, then Satan's workers-the
aliens-wouldn't have control over our soul?
OR, do we choose to face the unknown through the wonderment and open-mindedness
that exists in the mind of a child? It has been said that the genius of
Einstein lay in his ability to ask questions that only a child would ask.
The answers to those questions led to a scientific revolution, as will
the answers to the questions that are being postulated by theoretical physicists
For all we know about it, the UFO phenomenon and all that it encompasses,
may simply be a vehicle for human evolution: a way for us to discover ourselves
and the incredible, perhaps even multi-dimensional universe in which we
1 Budd Hopkins, Intruders: The Incredible Visitations
At Copley Woods, (New York, NY: Random House, 1987), and David M. Jacobs,
Secret Life: Firsthand Accounts Of UFO Abductions, (New York: Simon
& Schuster, 1992). Many other examples can be found in my book, The
Alien Jigsaw, (Portland, OR: Puzzle Publishing, 1993, first printing,
2 Michio Kaku, Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes,
Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension, (New York, NY: Oxford University
Press, 1994), from the Preface.
3 Ibid. 13-14
4 bid. 45-46
5 Budd Hopkins, Intruders: The Incredible Visitations At Copley Woods,
(New York, NY: Random House, 1987), and David M. Jacobs, Secret Life:
Firsthand Accounts Of UFO Abductions, (New York: Simon & Schuster,
1992). Many other examples can be found in my book, The Alien Jigsaw,
(Portland, OR: Puzzle Publishing, 1993, first printing, 1994).
Portions of this article were published in The 1995 MUFON Symposium
Proceedings, by The Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin,
TX, 78155; and a similar version of this article was published in 1996,
in Connecting Link, Issue #32, 9392 Whitneyville SE, Alto, MI, 49302.
©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved.
Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The
preceding is reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is given
to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical purposes
only, provided the information and the copy remain intact and unedited.